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Terms and Conditions
Also, see our Privacy Policy.


Please read the below-mentioned terms and conditions carefully constituting an integral part of the Participant Agreement for the event. All events advertised in our brochures and on our website are operated by HackMy Adventure LLP, a company registered under The Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008 (hereinafter called 'the Company', ’we’, ‘us’ or 'our'), and are sold subject to the following conditions:



Adequate and valid travel insurance is a mandatory requirement for all international (Non-Indian) and domestic (Indian) participants. The same should be obtained before the date of departure.


How to Book

To make a booking, you can contact us through email/phone, our website, or through an approved travel agent. The person making the booking must be 18 years old or over and must possess the legal capacity and authority to make the booking. If one person is making the booking on behalf of other people then after the booking of the event, other people will also be required to take the undertaking of accepting the terms and conditions mentioned in this agreement. All international (Non-Indian) participants may also be required to pay for any non-transferable and non-refundable items such as National Park entrance fees and Permits as per the requirements of the particular Park/permits applicable for all international (Non-Indian) participants.


When any event is booked through an approved travel agent, all communication/changes/enquiries in relation to the event will only be accepted through the travel agent.


After the acceptance of the booking, the company will issue a confirmation invoice to you. You are advised to please go through the confirmation invoice carefully and inform the company of any changes if required to be made. Names and identity proof provided by you must be legally valid and self-attested. Travel documents/itineraries will be sent or emailed to you well in time before the departure of your tour, but will not be issued unless payment of the due balance has been received and any pending cheques have been cleared.


Your personal safety is of paramount importance to us and therefore it is imperative that you inform us in writing, at the time of booking, of any condition (medical or otherwise) that needs any special care/attention and that might affect your or other people’s experience during the event. You agree to provide any/all information that may be asked by government authorities/border control/security agencies for the purpose of security and counter-terrorism. This is known as Advance Passenger Information. The information you must provide will include, but not be limited to, full name – as shown in your passport or travel document, gender, age, nationality, travel document type, and number. For Indian nationals, this information may be provided only for the person making the booking (lead booking participant) but for non-Indian nationals, the same might be asked of all participants.


2.1 In case of booking with Partial Amount

In case of bookings made by paying a partial amount, you are expected to make the balance payment at least 14 days prior to the departure date (w.r.t. to the published itinerary of the event and batch booked). In case the balance payment is not made at least 14 days prior to the departure date, then the booking would be deemed cancelled and HackMy Adventure would not be liable towards any cash refund. However, you can request a voucher refund and the same would be treated as per the cancellation policy (refer to clause 3.1.1).


Visa, Health, Passport, Travel Documentation

Whilst we are able to provide basic advice/information to clients regarding passports and visa requirements, it will be your sole responsibility you are required to check/verify with the appropriate embassy or the consulate for the exact requirements for your chosen event and date of travel. We cannot accept responsibility for any failure to comply resulting in any costs or fines being incurred.

Local Laws & Customs

The laws and customs of the areas we visit can be very different to those we are used to. Be aware of your actions to ensure that they do not offend, especially if you are visiting religious areas. It is your responsibility to familiarise yourself with and respect local laws and customs. If you fail to do so, we will have no liability to you for any cost, loss or damage which you suffer nor will we refund you the cost of any unused portion of your travel arrangements.

Privacy Policy

We are committed to not passing your information unnecessarily. HackMy Adventure would use your info to make your experience a better one but in case required for safety or arrangement purposes, we might have to forward your contact details to relevant vendors.


During all our expeditions, we click pictures, record videos, and create other intellectual property. Such content may feature you in many cases. Unless specified otherwise by a participant, we shall deem the permission granted for using such creative content created on our events.

We also encourage you to share the pictures or videos that you create on your own. We give due credit before publishing such content on public platforms.


Leader Authority & Behaviour

In any event, it is necessary that you abide by the authority of the leader, who represents the Company. If you commit any illegal act when on the event or if in the reasonable opinion of the leader or another person in authority, your behaviour is disruptive, threatening or abusive, causes unnecessary inconvenience or is causing or likely to cause damage to property, danger, distress or upset, disturbance or annoyance to others or puts any other traveller or our staff in any risk or danger, on the telephone, in writing or in person, we may terminate your travel arrangements without any liability on our part. Any form of intoxication, by means of alcohol, illicit drugs, weed, or hash, is completely banned on all expeditions. The observation & and assessment of the Leader would be final in this regard and any traces/indication found would deem the participant unfit to continue further. The leader has complete authority to terminate your expedition in such a case. In any of these circumstances, no refunds or compensation will be paid to you and we will not be liable for any costs or expenses you incur.


Your Accommodation

Any accommodation we arrange for you must only be used by those people named on your Confirmation Invoice. You are not allowed to share the accommodation or let anyone else stay there. You are responsible for the cost of any damage caused to your accommodation or its contents during your stay. These charges must be met by you and may have to be paid locally.


Special Requests

We will consider special requests such as dietary requirements or specific rooming arrangements when you book. We will tell you whether there is a charge for the request. We can only guarantee requests for which there is a charge or those that are confirmed in writing. It is your responsibility to advise us of any special requirements through email after you confirm your booking.


One special request that we get on most of our trekking events is carrying backpacks on mules/porters. We highly recommend that the personal backpack be carried by the participants themselves because your rucksack can be a lifesaver in the mountains when faced with unforeseen situations. However, in case a person is absolutely not able to carry or is feeling sick, he/she can offload by paying a charge as per the rates below:

  1. INR 500 per bag* per day# when the logistics of the event are managed through mules

  2. INR 1000 per bag* per day# when the logistics of the event are managed through porters

* Each bag should not be more than 12 Kg in weight. This weight limit is a reference for maximum weight but bags shall be counted in number to calculate the charges.


# Partial offloading is not allowed i.e. number of days would be counted as the total duration of the trek/expedition no matter when you offload during the expedition. In the case of expeditions where there are additional days required for reverse logistics, then 1 or 2 days may be added to the total duration of the expedition.


Participation Requirements

All clients are expected to satisfy themselves prior to booking that they are fit and able to complete the itinerary of their chosen event as described in the itinerary. No unaccompanied minors (those under 18 years of age) can be accepted however minors aged between 10 -17 years may accompany their parent or guardian who accepts full responsibility for them. Anyone suffering from mobility impairment, illness or disability or undergoing treatment for any physical or mental condition, must declare the true nature of such condition at the time of booking and make arrangements for the provision of any medication or other treatment which may be required during the event. Failure to make such disclosure will constitute a breach of these booking conditions and result in such persons being excluded from the event in which case all monies paid will be forfeit. Please contact us if you wish to find out more information.

All participants are also expected to have read and understood the eligibility criteria of the expedition they are signing up for. They are clearly mentioned on our itinerary page (under the FAQs section). At the time of the start of the expedition, they must meet the criteria fully (fitness & and experience). In case our ground staff finds that the participant does not meet any of the criteria (fitness or experience) desired for the expedition, they can simply refuse participation at any stage during or before the expedition. In such a case, HackMy Adventure or its staff shall not be responsible for any refund of any kind of fee paid by the participant.


For expeditions that involve road journeys or travel, participants are advised to take utmost care of the road safety norms. Any indiscipline regarding road safety or risky riding/driving by the participant may force our team to restrict/suspend/terminate the participant’s ride/drive.

All equipment issued to the participants at the start of any expedition should be maintained and responsibly used by them at all times during the expedition. Any damage or loss of equipment issued by HackMy Adventure to the participant shall make the participant liable to compensate for the loss/damage.


Law & Jurisdiction

If any dispute or difference(s) of any kind whatsoever shall arise between the parties hereto in connection with or arising out of this agreement the parties hereto shall in good faith negotiate with a view to arriving at an amicable resolution and settlement.


Any/all legal proceedings with regard to any matter, claim, differences and disputes arising out of this agreement, will be governed by the Indian laws and the courts of Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any claim arising out of it.


Company Registered Name and Address

HACKMY ADVENTURE LLP, 2 FLOOR,133J, SAINIK NAGAR, RAEBARELI ROAD ASHIYANA, B R A University, Thana PGI, Lucknow, Lucknow-226025, Uttar Pradesh, India



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